Leonardo with Storage Shell

The Leader with a Locker!

Asst. No. 5000-50
Stock No. 5167

Vital Stortistics:


Turtle Grappling Hook
Armadillo Club
Pizza Disc
Spiked Knuckle/Climbing Claw
Two Ninja Stars
Two Katana Blades


Sixteen Turtle Tons

Favorite Book:

Encyclopedia of Cabinets


Always prepared for any sewer situation, Leo's got everything he needs in his new ninja nook. Now when Leo leads the fearless foursome into Foot territory, he'll have all his wacky weapons to back him up. Everything fits neatly into Leo's travelling Turtle trunk; the armadillo club packed in place, the spiked knuckles securely stored, and the pizza disc mutantly mounted. Even with all this, Leo still has room for his katana blades, grappling hook and ninja stars, plus any extra sewer stuff you can cram in. So load him up, 'cause Leo is one leader who won't get caught with his back empty.


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