Figure Human Form

Mutatin' Bebop

The Bad Body-changin' Bully!

Asst. No. 5220
Stock No. 5226


Camera Shell Drill
Sneaky Shoe Sticker
Toe Drill
Retromutagen Ooze Canister
Mega Mutation Chart

Vital Mutistics

Favorite Place to Mutate:

Hog Pen

Favorite Place to Eat:

Hog Pen

Favorite Thing to Eat:



Instructions & Mutations Chart


Now you can recreate the disgusting mutating process that super-thug Bebop went through on that fateful night. A twist here, a turn there and what was once a common human crook mutates into the monstrous and notoriously nasty Mutant Foot fiend, Bebop. The Turtles will be shaking in their shells when they see this pork-nosed nuisance burst onto the streets. And if his sheer brute strength isn't intimidating enough, Bebop's got an awesome arsenal to make mincemeat outta those pesky Turtles. There's the mercilessly mighty camera shell drill - takes a picture so powerful, no known substance (or Turtle) can withstand its impossible impact. Now the Foot Clan is ready for action with Bebop, the wayout winsome warthog!


Original Box
Ninja Power Card (glowing background)
Ninja Power glowing card front and back

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