
Ripped Up Raphael

Pumping Iron, Massively Muscled Mutant Turtle-style!

Asst. No. 53050 / 53375
Stock No. 53068 / 53381

Vital Statistics

Vehicle of Choice:

Shell Cycle

Weapon of Choice:

Twin Sai Blades


New York City Sewer


5' 2"

Ripped Weight:

200 lbs


15 years

Top Individual Dumbbell Weight:

75 lbs!


mag-wheel rim weights
weight lifting belt
sai blades


Time to hit the gym, Ninja Turtle-style! What do you do when you need to do strength training but you haven't the cash to join a gym? You DIY (do it yourself) with whatever means you have available! For Raphael that meant sticking a pair of sais through an old set of Casey Jones' mag-wheel rims to create drag-car dumbbells! Vrooom!


Weight belt hidden
belt hidden variant front and back
Weight belt visible
belt visible variant front and back
with "Secrets Behind the Shells" Bonus DVD
Secrets Behind the Shells DVD card front and back

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