
Sewer-cyclin' Raph

The Beach Bikin' Battle Boy!

Asst. No. 5250 (Ninja Power release 15100)
Stock No. 5253 (Ninja Power release 15111)


Tri-wheeled Unicycle
Bicycle Pump Gun
Water Bottle Blaster
Sewer Soda Cup

Vital Spitistics

Favorite Race

Tour de Sewer

Greatest Asset

Spit Second Timing

Favorite Course

Pizza Peak


Sewer-cyclin' Raph would rather spray it, than say it, especially when it comes to the Foot Clan. He's in top Turtle training with no time to stop 'n sweat. He's on a Mutant mission - to become the best beach biker to ever pedal through a puddle. Sewer-cyclin' Raph is on the ball and ready for action. His bicycle pump gun is lubed, loaded and ready to fire. His water bottle blaster is primed, poised and ready to quench. His spit 'n shine tri-wheeled unicycle is balanced, breathtakin' and ready to ride. He's super spitting Sewer-cyclin' Raph and he's not stoppin' for anyone, unless they're havin' a bodacious beach pizza bash.


Sewer Spitting card
Sewer Spitting card front and back
Ninja Power card, brick background
ninja power brick card front and back

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