
Robomatic Raphael

The Ragin' Ruckus-Raiser!

Asst. No. 13050
Stock No. 13053


Savage "Swift n' Silent" Cyber Sais
Shoulder-mounted Techno-Tazor
Ninja-Nihilatin' Finger Flick Mega Mondo Missile



Out in his new MutaMechanical T-Transport Shell for a test spin, Robomatic Raphael is soon surrounded by scads of Shredder's scabrous sycophants. If they only knew, they'd leave faster than cheese melts on pizza. With legs as powerful as poundin' pile drivers and armswith the enormous energy of building-razin' wreckin' balls, Raphael is a bruisin' behemoth in an intense industrial jungle - and he's ready for shell-kickin' action! Surveying the scene from within the Kowabunga Clear Shield Canopy, Robomatic Raphael gives a gregarious grin as he decides what to nail 'em with next! Whether slammin' his Savage "Swift-n-Silent" Cyber Sais to their malevolent mark or deftly decimatin' the rancorous ranks with his Ninja-Nihilatin' Finger Flick Mega Mondo Missile, it's evident that there's no match for the amazin' accuracy, super speed, and sheer skill with which this Turtle Teen doles out destruction.


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